What Grows in a Life Garden?

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” – Audrey Hepburn

What grows in a life garden? The answer is “Everything”.  Anything you plant in your life, is likely to grow. In a vegetable garden, if you plant a tomato seed in about six weeks, you will pull tomatoes off the vine.  

Maybe your life garden is a beautiful balance between nourishing relationships and a career that produces fulfilling work products. Or maybe you work long days and do not have time to eat healthily, move, commune with family and friends. In that case, your life garden might be an overgrown career bush and have lots of bare spots.

When we believe tomorrow’s harvest is based on today’s planting, we pay attention to what we put in the ground.

Plant what you want to grow

I have at times grown the worst of life gardens. I spent years daydreaming about what I wanted my life to look like. However, I didn’t have the energy, time, money to show up for myself. Mostly it was that I didn’t have the discipline, but the lack of energy, time, money were good excuses. There have been long periods when I was sick, too exhausted to work on myself, and my life garden was barren. There were times when my bad habits choked out the good, and my life produced unhealthy relationships, credit card debt, and sleepless anxiety-filled nights.

The life garden that I am now growing is probably the best that it’s been. It contains a variety of things – lots of people that I care about, hobbies that bring me joy, a job that is fulfilling, and healthy physical and spiritual habits. However, my life garden is nowhere close to perfect. I have come to be at peace with my imperfect but beautiful life. My own life is still evolving. Gardens and lives are not a fixed state.

We keep planting what we want to grow, knowing that tomorrow is coming, and we want to harvest good things.


